dimarts, 15 de març del 2016


This quarter we are working on the issue protecting the environment. And we 

started to make a sculpture recycled. As the sculpture of England “WEEE

 MAN” but smaller. These sculptures we have made the sixth graders. are made from all kinds of recycled materials such as cardboard boxes glue, paint,, wool, cotton, plastic tubes, toilet paper rolls, egg and other recycled materials . They do know that recycled materials can be beautiful things. And now I will explain the benefits of recycling.
  1. It reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and incineators.
  2. It preserves natural resource sush as wood, water and minerals.
  3. It prevents pollution by reducing the need to use new raw materials.
  4. It saves energy and reducers greenhouse gas emissions.
  5. It helps sustain the enviroment for futre generation.
Because some people do not recycle them lazy . But it is very important for the environment. eg dirty lakes or rivers , the fish get caught throwing rings with the sea. Also throw rubbish in forests and thus pollute the environment.
!!!We recycle for the environment¡¡¡

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